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Why Do They Capitulate?
By Christy Cole
I have sat in witness of the various discussions between big 'D', and little 'd' democrats for as long as I have been active in this debate. The followers are mad at the leaders, the leaders do not care, As surely as Bush has betrayed true conservatives, the democrats in the house and senate have, at every turn, aided and abetted his plundering of the United States of America.
At every turn democrats in the House and Senate have allowed unjust slaughter and war profiteering in the name of We the People. They have turned blinded eyes to MOUNTAINS of evidence and betrayed everything we have ever believed we stood for.
Why, we wonder, WHY have they done this? Why do they continue to do so...?
They betray our own nation with silence, and we are left to wonder why. How can it be that the senate would allow a tyrant to be unleashed upon us...? How it is there are no consequences for the ones who sacrificed THOUSANDS of our bravest children for LIES...?
Why do they stand aside as he cuts the surviving soldiers MEDICAL BENEFITS! Take food from the elderly to feed Halliburton and Exxon?
Could it be they have ALL been bought...? Bought and paid for by players much like Jack Abramoff..? It seems odd there is not one untouchable among them. I am not even sure bribing ALL of congress is possible, but I think most do have a price. So how do you shut up the rest..?
It is really quite simple. You blackmail them
I find it very, very odd as well, in this entire discussion of bribery, perjury, conspiracy, money laundering, election rigging, and buying of legislation, the one most useful tool for a criminal is noticeably completely absent from all of the discussions.
Blackmail. It seems such a...passive crime. Eh? No force, all profit. Implication alone provides the pressure. It happens in the utter silence.
If Bush did not want the F.I.S.A. court to know he was spying on political opponents, it only is but another step down that path to assume those enemies were in the House and Senate. Perhaps even the Supreme Court. Forcing someone's resignation with illegally obtained wiretaps would not be hard if the info collected were just juicy enough.
We know how it works from there; Karl Rove selectively leaks parts that only he and his group of fake Intel monkeys can put into context. Chris Matthews makes sure to let the viewer know who 'the good guys' are. Lush Limpball renders Osama irrelevant with two pills. Or one, depending on the doctor.
Is it really possible that Bush is blackmailing members of Congress...? I think the republicans have reminded us how easy it is to buy off large numbers of public officials. And if they are committing overt acts of bribery, WHY NOT BLACKMAIL...? It would almost be impossible to continue one, without the other.
Not EVERYONE can be bought, but everyone does have something to hide. Congress is not only openly covering their own complicity, but doing their level best to ignore the crimes of the Bush Administration.
Have you ever seen anything like this situation we are in due to their actions ?
The reports of Bush spying on U.N. Members went almost unnoticed. Imagine what info contained in those personal correspondents could be used against council members. Like Kofi Annan's son. What would you do for your own son...? If Annan was being blackmailed it would explain a lot. MUCH, in fact.
Everyone has something they would rather pay to hide than deal with face to face. EVERYONE. It is why blackmail is such a successful endeavor for criminals. We all have someone we would pay to 'protect' from our sins.
When you sit back and wonder about the depth of the betrayal the United States Congress has committed against We, at some point you will have to ask WHY they are allowing this to happen. Why do they continue to quibble for scraps at the foot of a tyrant, rather than embrace the will of the people?
They are clearly afraid, but refuse to openly discuss their fears to the very people who could protect them. The ones THEY were sworn to protect. Us. They REFUSE to tell us simple truths.
It has become clear that their own dark secrets, their own sins are being used against them. It has become obvious those not being paid off outright are in the grips of something unseen, and threatening. A collaboration of deep silence exists among them, as they no longer bother to refuse those that would strangle the life out of this nation with lies, treason, and deceits.
High crimes and misdemeanors have been ignored deliberately. The evidence is both on the public record and overwhelming. The same cabal of people is damned by it, again, and again. The Downing Street Memos alone are enough to hang George W. Bush and Tony Blair both, for TREASON.
It is enough to have them tried in the HAUGE for WAR CRIMES. No man is above the law. Not presidents. Not prime ministers.
And those whom have a duty to stop it are obviously in no mind to even seriously try.
The House and Senate piss away any chance we the People ever had to live free and die with our dignity intact. The dog eaten corpses in New Orleans will forever stand in history as what we can expect as American citizens from our leaders that all swore oaths to protect us in these times.
Oaths they have betrayed, but for what? Why have they done so, how did that happen; all remains elusive.
As our hospitals go bankrupt they spend $100,000 dollars per minute to kill people who were never capable of harming us, never threatened to harm us, and never DID harm us, in any way.
They are torturing in the name of our children. Habeas Corpus is now riddled with exception. If your vote is stolen then you are ALREADY a slave. And those in the House and Senate stand by and make empty gestures for the cameras. They talk without ever breaking their silence. "Yap, yap, yap," Is what they say as the desperation mounts right before their eyes. They refuse to see it.
They capitulate, and our entire empire lays in the balance of a calculated cowardice.
WHY is no one asking about blackmail...? After all the crimes this administration has committed and is planning, it would actually seem the milder of their crimes.
The silence, itself, has become a conspiracy all on its' own. It is obvious to even the blind and unimaginative. It is an anomaly so vast, it seems almost incomprehensible.
Until you consider blackmail
What I do not understand is why others are not doing just that. It is the only piece of the puzzle missing.
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I think you might be on to something.
Maybe the FBI files Bill and Hillary illegally had in the White House are being used...
Actually, I am afraid that you could be right.
It seems they will use whatever they have too, legal, not legal, it is all the same to them.
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