Monday, August 15, 2005

Because, I have nothing better to do tonight...

When all else fails...Create a blog.

I am really not sure what this blog will be about since I have no desire to share myself with the world.

Maybe I can just use it to post... I don't have any idea what I will be posting here.

Oh well. I am sure it will be an adventure anyway.


Kangaroo Brisbane Australia said...

now what the hell are you going to be doing in here hehehehe

Kangaroo Brisbane Australia said...

shit couldnt you have picked a better name

Christy said...

My brain is just another hole to stick things in.


NOW that is interesting direction in the conversation, huh?

Anonymous said...

Whatever you post is fine with me Christy. I've always found that brain of yours to be the most errongenous zone of your body. Don't get me wrong. I like all the others just fine. But if you'll allow me to choose a hole, I'll choose that one. So with your permission, may I have intercourse with your mind?

Christy said...


Us Vet,....

You know I love you man. You may stick anything in the hole of my mind... You often fufill me in just that way...

USMarineVet said...

Hi Cristy! I sure hope everything is going as well as can be expected for you down there. Hit me up with a pm or a post in here so I know that you're ok. And let me know if there's anything I can do for you, simple as that may sound. You know I'm here for you and yours. Keep your chin up babe. God may close a door but he always opens a window. Love you! Dave

Christy said...

Hello sweety..

Things are very bad here

There will be thousands and thousands dead

Come see me on Reb keeping updates going as best I can

my town is already being overran by refugees. 1 million homeless..

It has become very very...tense down here

USMarineVet said...

I'm very happy to hear your alright Christy. I can only imagine what it must be like down there. I was on Parris Island when Hurricane Hugo hit back in 89. A good part of the island was underwater and we had to stop training for a short period of time. I remember when I flew out of Charleston to come home for 10 days leave. The whole area had been devestated. The trees looked like pick-up sticks. That's the analagy I've always used to describe it. But what you all just went through makes my experience look like a stiff breeze. I'll keep tabs on RN. I'm so glad that you are alright. Well, as well as can be expected at least. Keep the faith hun.

Kangaroo Brisbane Australia said...

Id say the direction of conversation get more interesting scrolling down. hehehehehe

Kangaroo Brisbane Australia said...

Now who is this Dave usmarinevet,

USMarineVet said...

I'm just a figment of your imagination Roo. Think of me as you would the fog; or mist. I'm a riddle wrapped in an enigma to the power of a google. Mystery is my given name. A pleasure to meet you Sir.

Kangaroo Brisbane Australia said...

Hey USMarineVet I like your style.