Monday, April 21, 2008

Things you probably do not know about John McCain

1) He is breaking the very laws on campaign financing that he helped write on a daily basis.

2) He is not a 'natural born citizen'. He was born in Panama, and no matter how you twist the Constitution, a child born in Panama can not fit the defintion of 'natural born citizen'. Natural born citizens do not need a legal justification or clause to make them citizens.

3) John MccAin has cheerleaded the Iraq War consistantly and in even the face of a desperate reality. He has in fact stated that we should remain there for 100, even 'a million' years. McCain himself said ‘No one has supported President Bush on Iraq more than I have.’

4) McCain constantly confuses facts, such as Sunni vs. Shiite, and makes deliberately misleading 'gaffes', only to insist they were all 'mistatements' and that he 'mispoke' on the rare occassion he is challenged on them. Most of the time they are not reported at all, instead McCain is given the benefit of the doubt inspite of the exact opposite being true.

5) The reporters covering McCain are often openly courted by McCain, and are unethically close to the subject of their reporting. When he makes mistakes, mistatements, or even flat out lies, they simply do not report it. They chose access to power over their duty of informing the public with full disclosure.

6) If you think John Kerry was 'elitist' because his wife was an Heiress, that standard also applies to McCain who divorced a wife to marry an heiress worth in excess of 100 million dollars. She then financed his political rise and they have no less than 8 homes.

7) McCain has openly sought the endorsements of some of the most radical elements of the Christian Right. If Obamas pastor is controversial, then so is McCains open solicitation of religious leaders who are openly engaged in hate speech and racial stereotyping.Yet his connections to these people go unreported.

8) In the media, McCains support for our soldiers is assumed, yet he is actively resisting signing a new GI Bill, and has backed up every policy of George W Bush, no matter how detrimental it was to our Armed Forces.

9) Has been called 'anti- torture' even though he again actively supports an administration fully engaged in the depravity of it. He has yet to demand it cease, nor has he provided legislation or investigations to stop it. (The President Vice President and many administration level officials have now admitted to constructing and approving a torture program)

10) Is consistently known for improper relationships with lobbyists. Even ones that have business before the committees he is on. Rarely are these relationships reported or investigated by anyone in the media.

11) McCain does support dismantling Social Security in favor of 'private accounts'.

12) Fully supports George W Bushs policy to give tax breaks to the wealthiest among us, and continued corporate welfare, even as he admits he does not fully understand our economy.

13) His campaign openly admits his financial policy will not reduce our deficits, and in fact has stated openly “..would like the next president not to talk about deficit reduction.” . McCain himself has said vehemently "I disagree. I disagree with the experts. I disagree. I disagree. I disagree with the experts."

14) Has now finally admitted the US Economy is in recession, even though he has been denying it all along.

15) Is quietly co-ordinating and being advised by Karl Rove, whom was the 'Architect of George W Bushs disastrous policies, and is now a 'Fox News Contributor" who is never identified as McCain advisor on air, even as he is supposedly 'reporting' on the nominee.

16) He still does not have a comprehensive health care policy to represent and his campaign seems to be scrambling to make up one as they go along.

17) He has no plan to address Global Warming.

18) Has openly said he agrees with Osama Bin Laden about our military involvement in Iraq... "For the first time, I have seen Osama bin Laden and Gen. Petraeus in agreement, and that is, the central battleground in the battle against al-Qaeda is in Iraq today! That’s what bin Laden is saying, and that’s what Gen. Petraeus is saying, and that’s what I’m saying, my friends."

19) He has physically assaulted atleast two fellow members of congress.

20) Refuses to release his medical records or his wifes tax records.

Thursday, February 28, 2008


Why John McCain Will Never Be President of the USA

Every day for John McCain has been one shocking scandal after the next. He says it does not matter if an indicted man is on his leadership team, and the anti lobbiest is revealed to be a lobbiest lover. Along with the fact he most likely is breaking campaign finance laws, laws he himself helped write, there is the ever present whispers of infidelity, and perhaps the man is just not sane. His temper tantrums and record of being wrong on issues like war are legendary.

Now, most normal people would look at such a man and say these reasons alone should undo anyones serious chances at the presidency. But, due to the moral and ethical abyss that has become the modern day GOP, all of these things combined has turned him into a frontrunner in his party.

And yet, as much as republicans can pretend all that reality does not exist or that it just does not matter, a new reality has come along that is bound to shock the majority of their berethern to the core. The New York Times has revealed to said masses today, that John McCain was not born in this country. Indeed, he was born on the Panama Canal, in the decidedly latin territory of CENTRAL AMERICA.

Granted, at first read, it seems almost petty. Maybe even laughable. But on second thought, it cuts to a core truth that all of us as Citizens of the United States have accepted for over 200 years. Unless he was born upon our soil, within our borders, he is NOT a 'natural born citizen' of the USA. Even if his parents were, he is not.

At best, he is a DUAL CITIZEN of both the US and Panama. And no matter how long he has lived here since, and no matter what he has done for or sacrificed of in the name of this country, nothing can change the reality of his natural dual birthright.

Once again, the republican faithful who's morals are convienantly altered to hold their candidates to a different standard, are already on again about changing the very Constitution itself, to 'clarify' something all of us already thought was pretty clearly described by our Founding Fathers. Unless they also intend to change the meaning of 'natural', there is no way that 'natural born citizen' can apply to a child born of foreign soil, no matter who their parents were.

Yes, I understand there are many US Citizens that will say, 'But, I was born to US Citizens on foreign soil, are you saying that also disqualifies me to the presidency?' YES, that is exactly what I am saying. And it is about damn time we say it out loud, just so there is no mistake. This is not about patriotism, or even who would make a better leader.

By your birthright, if you are a dual citizen of two nations, like it or not, it is highly unlikly such a person will ever be allowed to rule over those who' natural' citizenship is beyond legal question. If there is a legal question as to your status, then you can not fit the definition of 'natural born US Citizen', whos birthright is beyond question.

This is not an issue of democrats 'vs. republicans, it is an issue that cuts to the core of what it means to be a US Citizen and all US Citizens have a stake in the outcome. No matter how much republican leaders try to suddenly be ok with it themselves, the majority of not just republicans, but natural born US Citizens, are not willing to be ruled by anyone with a natural dual citizenship bestowed at birth. The threat of foreign influence on a president with dual loyalties is a risk no one is willing to take.

Especially republicans.