Friday, September 30, 2005

Friday, September 09, 2005

My King

In many dreams, he comes to me,
With the roar of righteous thunder,
A lion king, with golden eyes.
That love me with passionate hunger.

With a deadly purr he lulls me,
To become his willing prey,
I can only bear my throat,
As I tremble to obey.

Truth burns my breast as he tastes me.
With my cheek I stroke his mane.
I understand salvation.
He understands my pain.

With mighty power, he takes me,
And savagely I am awakened.
A violent hunger strokes the soul.
Yet this dream has left me shaken.

Christy Cole



The Ostlers Fate

The wind was a torrent of darkness,
Among the gusty trees.
The moon a ghostly galleon,
Tossed upon cloudy seas.
The road a ribbon of moonlight,
Over the purple moor.
And a highwayman came riding,
Up to the old inn door.
Tim the ostler stood in shadows,
He took one step in retreat.
As a chill and bitter wind,
Made the lightless wicket creak.
With his hair like moldy hay,
And hollow eyes of madness,
For a fleeting moment,
Insanity turned to sadness.
The stable groaned heavy with night.
In darkness Tim watched the stranger.
He already knew what he must do,
As the night blew frigid danger.
He saw the highwayman sense it,
Then refused to see.
He proudly rode to the abode,
As if it could not be.
Tim glared with hateful daggers,
From hiding he mumbled mutters.
At the man with a whip,pulled from his hip,
To tap on tightened shutters.
Returning the whip to his claret coat
The highwayman wistled a tune.
The bolts were freed and Tim could see,
Clear by the light of the moon.
Beauty spilled from the lofty porthole.
Tims madness dared a glance.
At the lovely landlords daughter,
With whom he had no chance.
Red lipped Bess sat in the casement,
Binding both men to her in awe.
She reached from above to the one she loved,
The other she never saw.
Tim narrowed eyes of spiteful hatred.
A passion he knew each day.
He watched the lovers from his cover,
And heard the highwayman say,
"One kiss my bonny sweetheart.
I'm after a prize tonight!
If the kings yellow gold is where I'm told
I'll come to thee by dawns' light.
But if I am pressed sharply,
And harried throughout the day,
I'll come to thee by soft moonlight,
Though hell should bar the way!"
Bess loosed her long raven hair.
Tim watched the robber stroke it.
A scream of longing in his soul,
In darkness he never spoke it.
The highwayman pulled a crimson ribbon,
From her inky midnight locks.
Spurring west,with a smile he left,
On the loney road toward the docks.
Yet still the keeper of horses,
Watched from the darkness afar.
His hate no less as he saw Bess,
Pray to the twinkling stars.
Yes he knew what he would do,
Still he could not pull to duty,
He saw the light within his sight,
Madness mesmerized by beauty.
The lovely Bess dashed soft light,
The dark settled the old inn yard.
The shutters threw again tight and true,
Once more night was locked and barred.
Now alone in his stable home,
Tim stewed but a moment longer.
He did not fold once in the cold.
He let madness make him stronger.
The kings men would take him in.
Perhaps even bring him a feast.
He had plenty of time in his troubled mind.
As insanity pulled Tim east.
All the kings horses and all the kings men,
Met him with quiet distain.
He betrayed the lovers hed grown to hate.
They listened to his pain.
Bess watched a lonely new day dawn,
Her love had not come by noon.
Images burst from the tawny sunset,
Just before the rise of the moon.
When the road was a gypsys' ribbon,
Looping the purple moor,
The kings red coats came marching,
Up to the old inn door.
They said nothing to the landlord.
They drank his ale instead.
Through her window Tim could see,
As they bound Bess to her bed.
They rigged a musket to her side,
Aimed deep into her breast.
In the dark Tim broke apart,
But never did he protest.
Streached before her narrow casement,
Tim watched her watch the night.
Waiting for her loves approach,
The road west within her sight.
The soldiers watched there with her,
And heard as the wind did say,
"I'll come to thee by soft moon light,
Though hell should bar the way!"
Tlot tlot....Did they hear it?
For Tim had heard it well.
Tlot tlot in the darkness.
He saw Bess' bosom swell.
The soldiers took to thier priming.
Tim drew a proud mad breath.
Then her musket shattered the night,
And warned him with her death.
Shock threw back the insanity,
That lived there in the stables.
Like in his dreams he screamed and screamed,
The soldiers shook thier heads disabled.
Tlot tlot back into darkness.
The highwayman fled to the lightless wood.
He did not dare to show he cared,
He did not know who stood.
Unheard were the ostlers screams,
And the landlords mournful cries.
They slayed him in the very room,
Where his lovely daughter died.
They left tim the ostler nothing.
Not gold nor even a feast.
They let him scream and left unseen,
Marching back to the east.
Tim never looked for his hated love
He wailed on the stable floor.
There was no warning with the morning,
As the highwayman stepped through his door.
Now hollowed eyes of madness,
Met saddened eyes of rage.
The one Tim betrayed let him lay,
But did not let him age.
He was left to rot upon that spot,
And the highwayman buried his love in private.
He lay the father next to his daughter,
And cried in the morning quiet.
He knew her life was sacrificed,
For love and nothing less.
Like a beast he thundered east,
And never looked back toward the west.
He found the soldiers still on the road,
And inflicted what damage he could.
But they shot him down on that ground,
And left him in his own blood.
Yet still of a winters night they say,
When the wind is in the trees.
When the moon a ghostly galleon,
Tossed among cloudy seas.
When the road is a ribbon of moonlight,
Looping the purple moors,
A highwayman comes riding,
Up to the old inn doors.
Over the cobbles he clatters,
Into the dark innyard.
He taps with his whip on the shutters,
But all is locked and barred.
He wistles a tune to the window,
And who should be waiting there?
Tis Bess the landlords daughter,
Plaiting a crimson ribbon into long black hair.
And they say the stables are haunted.
By a ghost who is lost in madness.
Yet it seems that when he screams,
The howls are that of sadness

Christy Cole 2004

Thursday, September 08, 2005

Do you hear them starving in your sleep..?

Dear Mr Bush,

Where exactly were you as a seven year old girl was being raped and getting her throat cut in the awful dark recesses of the Convention Center...?

I wonder did you sleep on fine french linens that night? Were you at the White House, eating from fine antique china? Or were you still at your ranch that has virtually no cattle?

As the mothers that lost their babies from heat exhuastion, realized their child had died right beside them, in their arms, did your ears itch with thier unheard, but certain screams? What about the young adults who died of thirst, were you drinking a fine tomato juice from crystal goblets, or perhaps a soda your maid brought to you...?

What were you doing at that moment Mr. Bush...?

When young girls started floating by with bullet holes in them, and old men turned up bludgeoned to death, were you standing in a well tended courtyard..? Or, maybe you were taking pictures and sitting with Trent Lott while he cried into a three-hundred dollar handkerchief..? Or perhaps both. I suppose if you could own a courtyard it seems natural you may become overwhelmed with emotion there eventually.

Mr. Bush when women started handing thier babies to strangers, begging them to save them, did you think about Jenna and Barbara..? Maybe you thought of how far your own children were from you, and your chest ached with longing..? With need?

As the water rose and alligators started infiltrating low attics did you feel a shudder in a fine leather chair? Did any sharp sensation make you weep?

When the 5 year old was gang raped to death in that hell hole, could you see it from the window of Air Force One? What about the people with you? Did you point your web cam out that same window so Cheney could view, via the net, from Wyoming...?

Where were you EXACTLY Mr. Bush...?

Where were your much decorated Secretaries..?

When the images of the Super Dome and Convention Center kept going day, after day, after day, did you find a point where you sought out Laura to comfort you, and perhaps hold your perfectly manicured hand...? Did you ever reach a point where you vomited, as I did, (though I have no well heeled servants to pick me up and clean the mess. )

When that man murdered his sister for a bag of ice, did you regret ALL that FEMA money that had been 'mismanaged' at your brothers hurricane parties..? Or did you send some of it as a private contribution to the Red Cross. Or maybe Pat Robertsons 'Relief Fund.' Did your accountant do the appropriate tax deductions on it as somberly as the rest of your daily transactions?

When my Gov. Blanco tried to tell you two days before the hurricane she needed help, did you use a real gold pen to try and wrest control from her...? Silver maybe...? Was it the same pen you used to cut the money to our levees by 80%...? Does that pen come with a fine matching set on your highly polished desk..?

As our native sons, our finest, the Louisiana National Guard, desperately tried to find updates about the damage from Iraq, did you use one of those high tech sattalite phones to call them and calm thier jitters..? Did you smile as they told you how valiantly they had held off enemies that threaten all your friends assets...?

Did your own father flash through your mind when you realized one of those boys could have been exactly like the one who took your place in Vietnam..?

I see you on tv offering Salvation Army goods to the women from nowhere, oh, and the fundraising speeches, and as I write this I wonder about where you are and what you are doing. I wonder are you shivering somewhere with the painful dread of upwards of 40,000 dead...?

Did the smell of human waste fill your well educated mind..?

Do the faces of those begging for food haunt you in the halls of your lush surroundings? Do you hear them starving in your sleep..? Does the presence of your body guards bring you as little comfort as FEMA provides ....???

It shouldn't, and I will tell you why...

The Constitution of the United States of America.

It is the document that lays out the reasons and proceedures that will result in your arrest, a fair trial, followed by a decent hanging.

We can even use a fine velvet rope.

But until then Mr. Bush... YOU ARE FIRED!

Monday, September 05, 2005

The only King America will ever accept


Damn he makes me twitch.

Yes, yer majesty. You can leave your hat on.


Flight Of Fools

Flight of Fools

Into life’s chasms,
I stared with the eyes of a fool.
Looking down upon Creation,
I broke a golden rule.
Youthful heart pounding,
Reality’s door shut tight.
Unfolded untested wings,
And jumped, in hope of flight.
Pride plunged before me,
Yet did not break the fall.
Thunderclouds crushed the wings,
I thought would save us all.
Weightless eyes opened,
And froze wide with fear.
Salvation lay below me,
Rushing ever near.
And fear, it too, did leave me,
Crashing through the trees.
Life became a study,
Of sheer velocity.
Suddenly, there she was,
Humility in all her grace,
Looking with amusement,
As I landed on my face.
Broken, bloodied, and crying,
I took a look around.
I had hit rock bottom,
And discovered solid ground.

Christy Cole

Who Is Afraid Of The Big, Bad Wolf..?

What CAN Scare Even Bloggers?

I have to admit right off, I am a blogger and this story scares the hell out of me, too. After a very WIERD incident with a cable guy named Larry...I have been thinking ALOT about paranoia. I have been wondering about when it is actually appropriate, when it's not.

And I keep coming back to one issue that seems to scare absolutely everyone. As I said, it frightens me too, but not in ways I can easily relate, or even articulate.

Perhaps thats why no one, and I mean NO ONE wants to talk about it. I imagine the way my stomache twists and my knee jerks is contagious because all those who are willing to WHISPER it are immediately struck with thier own uncomfortable paranoia. Appropriate or not.

Some try to chalk it up as a 'tinfoil hat' type of thing perhaps to dispell thier own uneasy questions, or perhaps, to try to discredit the questioner..I don't really know WHY but even good men have fallen silent now. On this one issue in particular the silence is SO profound it is in fact the bigger question.

What is it that has even the vicious 'liberal-left-whatever' shocked into a stunned silence? Something so explosive, not even 'fearless bloggers' will dare touch it much less speak of it? What could possibly inspire so much fear?

Her name was Margie Schoedinger. And she was ,in fact, a real human being.

The following facts are her facts, not my own. The accusations are hers, not mine. I do not know the Truth of them, but the FACT of them is pretty damn...scary.

If you simply Google this womans name, you will indeed instantly start getting a story about a woman who accused a sitting president of rape.

In 2002 Shoedinger accused THE sitting president G. W. Bush of RAPE. And much more.

These are the facts we know. SOMEONE tried kidnapping this woman, her would-be kidnappers were foiled by a passing highway patrol, who broke up the melee, and for whatever reason, let them go after she vehemetly told the officer they were 'going to kill her' and she knew why. Margie Shoedinger and many people in her family were brought into police custody for 'vigorous questioning' . After this she went public with rape allegations against GW Bush and filed 4 VERY INTERESTING lawsuits.

Not one newspaper, not one tv news, not one cable news, not one radio program, not one TABLOID in the US media reported it. It was as if a tree fell, and no one heard it.

Four months after the accusations were filed in Fort Bend County Texas the USA invaded Iraq.

Bush was ORDERED to come to court in Texas on RAPE charges. His accuser openly says in these lawsuits that she fears she will be suicided.

Nine months after accusing THE president of RAPE, Margie Shoedinger was dead, a bullet in her brain.

She died the same day Bush appeared before the UN, Sept 22, 2003.

Did I mention she was black and could apparently PROVE she had dated GW Bush as a MINOR...?

Surely there are things here to talk about...?

And then the quiet falls and thats where things get REALLY bizarre. In that silence three immediate questions cause an awful ripple in your gut.

Number 1) What in the HELL happened to the so called 'Free Media'...?

Number 2) Is it possible my president is a RAPIST?

Number 3) WHAT ELSE are we NOT hearing about?

By the way, did I also mention there are accusations of HOMOSEXUAL RAPE as well? Yet NO ONE can find any words to ask ANYTHING...? Here the current black out becomes a literal void of nothingness.

I suppose anyone brave enough to approach it would ask the simple questions first, like who is Shoedinger and is she credible?

The truth is I don't know the TRUTH. But the FACTS are disturbing, twisted and wrong in unimaginable ways. I do not KNOW what happened between these two people. IS SHE CREDIBLE...? I simply do not know because those who were SUPPOSED to report such matters, never said a damn thing. Not even when she died did it make any press ANYWHERE inside the borders of the USA. Yet the Russians, Brits and Aussies were aware AS IT WAS HAPPENING.

At some point HER CREDIBILITY actually becomes a moot point. His Iraqi lies surely could be used against him and don't look good for his credibility either. At some point the FACTS alone so far can niether prove nor disprove her story. Which brings up another very odd question.

IF she WAS crazy/gold digging/a political pawn ...WHY did the media NEVER ONCE TRY to DISCREDIT HER? They didn't even bother to report her existance. Or her untimely death. She is dead and apparently no one cared.

This was not just a story blacked out, it was purposely overlooked by every single decent, bad or half assed reporter in the nation. Even after all this time the bloggers don't want to hear a word of it. I know exactly how they feel, unfortunately this story will not die as easily as she did. It will not die because NO ONE answered ANY of the questions.

And even now two years later her story is still un-impeached. The facts still lay there like the twitching dead, uncomfortable and unacknowledged.

One day we may have answers to the many questions the facts raise, but perhaps, that may be what scares the hell out of simply everbody. Do we REALLY WANT to know?

If you ever cared about the TRUTH, then that is YES...YES WE MUST KNOW.

But if even bloggers are afraid, My God, Who can POSSIBLY be left to ask? If I know certain facts of the case, SURELY Congressmen and Senators can not plead ignorance, so where in the hell are THEY?

I do not, nor have ever known Margie Shoedinger. I do not know what to make of her life or her death. But knowing what limited amount I do know, makes me question such fundamental issues that everything I know or thought I knew hangs in the balance.

One day Margie Shoedinger may rise from her gave and tell us it was all a joke. She may tell us it was true, but unimportant. Perhaps she would beg any she had harmed in life to forgive her. Or Perhaps...just perhaps, she may arise and SCREAM for justice.

I wonder if anyone will HEAR HER either way?

I wonder will they still FEAR her so...?

Christy Cole

If one among us stole GABBILLIONS, WHOM would have to die to cover it up?

WHY did 3000 People DIE HERE, on September 11th 2001?

I have been told that bin Laden is a freedom hater, that is why so many died.

WHY ...Because he HATES our freedom, that is what we have been told, over and over again.

And now FREEDOM is on the march. We are delivering LIBERTY, at the point of a rifle. NO, No, Not to bin Laden. What Can't be found, shan't be found. Three thousand people are dead, and all we get is these lousy excuses. Excuse after excuse.Day after day. So many dead yet so few answers. Could it have anything to do with ALL that missing money?

What money? Lets go back to Sept. 10th of 2001.

On that day Rumsfield announced 2.3 TRILLION dollars was 'missing' from the Pentagon. He admitted one-fourth of the entire budget went 'poof'. Within the next 12 hours we would be attacked and the 2.3 TRILLION dollars?...It has never been explained.

Nine BILLION dollars is missing from Iraqi re-construction money. Another 8 Billion is missing from teachers retirement funds in Texas. On the morning of Sept 11th 2001, 120 BILLION dollars was due the Phillipino government to cover gold bond deals. The Government of the Phillipines has yet to get paid, cause bin Laden is a freedom hater I guess. Damn Him.

The Medicaid Trust Fund has been thouroughly looted. Our troops are digging in the trash for armor. The children of Iraq are starving to death on our watch. And as far as explainations we are told that 'Democracy is messy.' So it would seem.

Since we already know TRILLIONS are missing lets start there. How MANY TRILLIONS...? Could be tens of trillions. Or HUNDREDS OF TRILLIONS. After all this is just the money they ADMIT is missing. It COULD litterally be...What comes after TRILLIONS?...It could be Gabillions.

And since Iraqis are standing in line 12 hours for 2 liters of gasoline, where in the hell is all that oil going too? We are building TWENTY-something US bases on top of Iraqi pipelines. Even if insurgents blew up half of it there would still be enough oil for Iraqis, so you would think.

And all those children WE have in PRISON at Abu Graib?...Well you see SADDAM was a really terrible man. And FREEDOM is on the march.

If you ask at this point, 'Ok.. WHO is taking so much money from us?' I ask instead, 'WHOM was authorized to touch that kind of money in the first place?

Two-point three TRILLION dollars...lets write that out with all its zeros... $2,300,000,000.00 ... This is NOT money you just leave in your other pants. I don't care how messy democracy is, it is not so 'messy' that they will let ME hold 8 billion dollars.

Can YOU just walk up and say 'I know..I'll just take a few billion and go down the street, I'll be back later to explain'.....?'

In every case of Genocide or attempted Genocide that we know of the first step was ALWAYS a theft. A VERY BIG THEFT. Hitler wanted the Jews money and assets, The government of the USA wanted the native indians land. In both cases the genocide escalated in DIRECT relation to the scale of the theft. The more they stole, the more had to die. It was simply a matter of getting rid of witnesses and killing the HEIRS to what they stole.

It is the politics of theft that determine whom shall die.

If one among us stole GABBILLIONS, WHOM would have to die to cover it up?

Would it take 3 deaths or 3000...? Would the blood of the Iraqis cover a trail that was cut into the heart of AMERICA?

Mi Vida Loca

I have picked up a new hobby lately. It is one my curious mind has become obsessd with in a short period of time. It is a hobby that does indeed seem strange, but those that love me indulge me. I now spend lots of time online searching for pictures from Iraq.

The thing is, the pictures speak things no language has words for. Seeing it, and hearing it, are two truely different experiences.With every photo I learn something new about our soldiers, the habbits and lives of Iraqis, the resistance, history, and grief. So much grief. It keeps me awake at night.

It just ocurred to me today, that I seek knowledge that I do not want. Knowledge that is complex and frightening. I look at the pictures even though I feel many times that I can not. I never REALLY want to. And the whole time I am thinking, SOMEONE has to. They are hiding these images from us. Once you see them you cannot help but become sick in your very soul with grief.

As Bush speaks, as I am sure he will tommarrow, he will speak of lofty ideas like freedom, democracy, and terror. And I expect when he does I will do as I do every other time I hear him speak. I will see in my head the images of my young brave country men suffering catastrophic injury they had no armor to protect themselves against. I will see images in my head of them welding trash to thier vehicles trying to give themselves some measure of comfort anyway.

I do not want to know the things I know, but I know of no other way to conquor the fear by any measure. The more our government lies to me the more determined I am to SEE the truth. With my own eyes. As horrible as the pictures of the wounded are, it is the dead children that are simply unavoidable. Far MORE dead children than men. In seeing the actual moments of it caught on film, you can not help but ask yourself WHY they were sacrificed? But, that is EXACTLY why they are hiding them. The Culture of Life has apparently not been found in the cradle of civilization. I do not want to see thier mothers faces when I close my eyes, but I do.

If my neighbors and fellow patriots saw what American bombs did to entire families, homes, and cities, perhaps they would NOT be so eger to drop them. Because these pictures have been blacked out by the media, most Americans are under the impression OUR bombs ONLY kill terrorists, because they are SMART BOMBS.

If you saw what I have seen you would try to stop it, too. But many Amerians have turned away, I think because it disturbs thier sleep, as well. I long for such sleep. I wish there were a way to unlearn knowledge. Yet even as I wish it, I know I will still seek out the photos because I know very few others are, or can. I am trying to bear honest witness so I will not pass on the lies I have been told to my children. And in honesty, what I have seen has scarred me deeper than 5 c-sections.

As I write this, there are actions in motion that will soon bring about the release of the 'OTHER' Abu Ghraib photos. I truely do not think I can face it. But I must try, as long as I can, I only pray to God others are stronger than I am, because in the end I may turn away, too. I can only take so much horror.

"But, you know, frankly, I do not think God gives a shit."

Iraqis as Terror Bait

The bush freak show has released thier new report on terrorist activity around the world. Guess what is NOT on it? That's right, apparently 'terrorist events' in Iraq and Afghanistan do not count even as they are repeatedly refferred to as the 'Front Lines of the War on Terror".

See, apparently, we are fighting them there so they,..Oh, thats right. (see London)(see New York) (See Bali) (see Spain) (see Oklahoma City)

Do you want to know what it is EXACTLY that enrages me about this explanation..? Other, than it being proved violently wrong....

My problem is this, Saddam WAS a bad guy, Saddam killed own people. And NOW, WE are killing the same people he terrified,terrorized and tortured. Well YEAH for US. Now it is US, kicking thier men to death while they are chained to the ceiling. Now it is WE, who find a way to JUSTIFY IT.

The only terrorists in Iraq before we got there was Saddam himself. The others were subjigated cowards who helped maim thier own country to save thier own skins. There WERE NO suicide bombs going off before we got there. Thier women were given more rights there than almost ANYWHERE else in the ENTIRE middle east. Ahhh, but nevermore.

The C.I.A.s' own reports say that Iraq is NOW the foremost training ground for terrorists in the world. WHY the ENTIRE world...? Well, because, in Iraq, they actually get EXPERIENCE from KILLING our soldiers. But, let us not confuse the 'terrorists' with the Iraqis.

The Iraqis themselves were NOT terrorists before and those fighting against us now are NOT terrorists either. They are PATRIOTS of Iraq who will not stand idle as we kill thier families with bombs and poision thier lands with horrifying depleted urainium. They will not care that we have a MESSAGE OF FREEDOM when we herd them into Abu Ghraib to meet thier fate at AMERICAN hands. Do you UNDERSTAND the meaning of the MEDICAL definition of 'Pulpified'...? And thats just what we do to thier bones. Imagine the state we leave thier women in. Thier children.
And after all the lies that brought us here, what have We learned?

Oh that indeed we WERE lied too, Repeatedly. Day After Day. Night After Night. They USED our deepest fears against us. They PROFITED from our fears. They PROFITED from AMERICAN DEATHS.

They = OTHER AMERICANS. The ones we trusted the most.

And instead of HANGING those who would commit TREASON against US. What do I hear?
Using Iraq as a place to bait terrorists is the ONLY way to stay safe. Too damn bad about all those IRAQIS.

Another disturbing trend is those hiding behind God in our country to justify hypocracy in politicking. You will grovel and cry oh so publicly for a brain dead woman but you wont spend a moment to find out WHY all those babies in Iraq are being born HIDIOUSLY deformed.


I will beg God to FORGIVE my beloved nation, for she knows not what she has done. I will beg that the oncoming waves of suicide bombings in the name of vengence can be held off long enough for mankind to find MERCY in thier hearts. I will stand with a clear concience and say 'It was NOT in MY name Lord, nor did I ever believe it was YOUR will."

But, you know, frankly, I do not think God gives a shit. AND YES, if you believe in the ONE who created the Trees, then we share the SAME God. I do not believe GOD cares about your petty excuses based on LIES and prejudice.

And to the ones who created this. To the ones who felt Iraqis are so worthless they can openly and even jubiliantly be used as bait to attract TERRORISTS while you discreetly steal thier wealth,I truely hope you burn in hell. I hope the souls STRIPPED from the children of Iraq wieghs down your descent to the Devil himself like a yoke of needles around your neck.

I pray that descent comes moments after the Hang Man pops your damn head off.
After all, THAT is how we deal with those who CREATE terrorist training grounds, isn't it?

The Empire No One Wanted

There is something ALL Americans do that annoys the hell out of people from, say, France, or even Australia. We ALL do it like it is an instinct. As we are not very famous for our impulse control, mostly till now the world let us get away with it while tolerantly rolling their eyes with love.

No matter what state you are from, no matter your birth nation.Independant of race, age, or religion, we are ALL arrogantly proud to be a citizen of the U.S.A. Even the meekest among us puffs out his chest some as he gleefully says 'I am an American'. It is almost child like in its innocent rapture, to say those blessed words. We even grin widely as we admit our conceit.

Yet, most never understand why those words make us each tremble, in awe of ourself. And of those that understand it, NONE dare call it by name.

Here is a fun game for non US citizens. Findn American and deliberately ask him about America. Not America the Beautiful. Not America, The Brave.

Say, America, the EMPIRE, and watch his or her reaction closely.

I would say not one American even read it without flinching. If you press ANY American about it, they will most probably squirm. I know I do, just thinking of the word.

Empire. Yuk.

It is contrary to EVERY belief we hold as patriots. It is EVERYTHING we have fought against and condemned.

There was a time we were just proud of ourselves as a nation. But times have changed. Now the arrogance of empire has been programmed into our very flesh as surely as our own thoughts. We not only were TOLD we are number one, but for so long, we WERE number pretty much everything we ever touched. We were free to dream, and we dreamed BIG.

WE as a united people made empires bow to US, in fear, no less. We all liked it even if we refused to admit it. We were the Champion of the weary, repressed, and those yearning to breathe free. They loved US for our laws that provided mercy, itself. Nothing on earth has EVER compared to what WE The People built. Only once has whats been accomplished here been parralleld in history.

They named themselves Rome.

Like us, their society was built on superior law. But Rome, itself, still pales in comparision. WHY??? As they say, it was not built in a day.

The Empire of Rome ruled through more than a thousand years. What they learned they actually stole by conquor and claim. It was a slow process, indeed, to anniahlate entire people and "assimulate' the survivors into the society safely. They stole people for slaves. They slaughtered innocents. They swollowed entire nations, cultures, histories....Sound familiar America...?

We did it ALL in less than 1/4th their time. Like all empires before, we only ever wanted to be faster, better, stronger, beloved. Unlike other empires, we had better laws to avert the injustice of monopoly. By shunning the thought, we grew bigger than any before us.

We, like the Romans, so do love the luxury of our empire. Just do not call it that, or we may have to discuss how every OTHER Empire has wound up. And how much blood it took to mortar the bricks. Rome did not fall in a day, either.

If the time curve holds true, we will fall faster than Rome ever could have. But we will fall for the same reason. Do not EVER doubt the same trap exists even if we refuse to see it.

The most basic assualt on our legal system that could occur is happening right before our eyes. Like a modern day Calligula, GW Bush and his merry band of oil thieves are committing both illegal and immoral acts and openly scorning anyone in the populace that has a problem with it. Our laws will not survive if they can not be applied at the highest reaches. Especialy there. It is the same as setting fire to our Constitution. It has been the death of EVERY empire.

Nehru not only fiddled as Rome burned he literally had been using his palace, the White House of Rome, if you will, as a brothel. We, too, also have known prostitutes running nakedly through the halls of power pretending to not be gay or incorrect, but still a whore, none the less. With the 'green card soldiers' dying in our uniforms in Iraq, I cannot help but think of the arrogant Romans who sat in thier luxury villas, as the children of virtual or literal slaves fought to expand the very empire that destroyed their lines and made them slaves. They only let their splendid sons out for platitudes or power.

The Romans too, were VERY proud. They wore red so blood could not be seen, lest their enemy think them weak for bleeding. Imagine such pride! Not even your BLOOD can bring honor to such a lofty ideal.

It is no wonder that eventually not even Romans could find a way to justify or sustain an empire. But pride goeth before the fall. Eventually Romans no longer wanted to be Rome. The empire was lost but the people remained.

When I hear one of my countrymen say, "I am an American", I, involuntarilly, have started seeing the image of a Roman General decked out in his full blood red and gold regalia. It is a viceraly beautiful image, but confused with resounding echoes not even time can slow the thrust of. I am reminded of Rome so much lately I see it in troubled dreams.

I am sure every single person in modern day Rome is fondly proud of their history. But, they do not hold the arrogance of their long ago power over history, itself. Maybe their arrogance was lost forever in the terrifying loss of their world as they knew it. How bitter it must have been. Their fall from grace took generations.

They had to let go of the dream of empire to save themselves. To live to dream another day.

When I speak to my friends overseas, I now openly wrestle with my own arrogance. It is painful, yet amazingly, enlightening. It has made me look deeper at the America I love. Without the pride clouding my eyes I see our nation anew, and I am again awed by the sheer hope of it.

We can do what no empire could before.

We can restore it by rejecting it. By restoring the laws that made us merciful and just we reject tyranny.

Bring our battle hardened soldiers home from global conquest to restore order to their own leaders. Let us throw down our acts of nation building and rebuild our nation back to be the pride of the earth. The envy of both kings and slave alike. An empire every single soul on earth wanted.

When I humble my vison, I see only America The Beautiful. America The Brave. Untended and crumbling.

I wonder will our ruins be as lovely as Romes...?

Preaching to the Choir

Excuse me, Blue State people. May I have your attention please..? Thank you.

I make it an obsessive habit to watch everything in our country lately. From down here in Louisiana, because of the 'Information Revolution,' I keep surprisingly up to date on the current clusterfuck our nation has become.

Now, normally, I don't see things in red state/blue state terms. I was taught to believe we are ALL Americans first. Period. However, there is a red/blue problem that I simply can not remain silent on anymore. It touches on EVERYTHING we hope to do.

I see all our democratic and activist leaders, all on the move. It is truly a beautiful thing. The people are waking up, and the message is trickling out, slowly but surely. Our opposition to the tyranny of the Bush family bonds us in ways that transcend blue state/red state and hold us firm against the fear. I see our leaders holding rallies in N.Y., L.A., Phoenix, and D.C.

What I do not see are rallies in Jackson, Shreveport, or Birmingham.

There may be a speech now and then, that gets heartily protested by the very loud minority, and then they are gone. Back to the blue states to preach to the choir. There is no democratic hope in the south because there are no democratic generals here fighting the republicans on their own turf. Don't get me wrong there are dems here hard at work trying desperately to spoon out the ocean. But these dems are underfunded and COMPLETELY INVISIBLE in our daily lives.

Now perhaps, you have been told that we are all morons down here that spit at outsiders and dream of the days when slaves were ours to own. Perhaps that's the image you have. But nothing could be further from the truth. By tradition the southerners are DEMOCRATS. We are only red state because the damn republicans have been rigging elections down here for more than a century. You think Ohio was ugly...? Try Louisiana EVERY election day. But, who do we tell? We are left with the corrupted leaders or telling those who will pass it on to the yankees, who then turn around and forget they once violently overthrew and occupied the very soil I am sitting above as I write this. And there were consequences.

MANY MANY consequences. All of them political. None of them easy. I wonder at times, if Martin Luther King had been from Cali would he have found it worth dying for? I doubt it.

Coming down here to make a speech and then outrun the fruit throwers on your way back to bluer borders WILL NOT WORK. You are simply overlooking the TRUE problem of the south because it is what..? Distasteful?... Tedious?... Dangerous?

And you are missing the opportunity of the ages.

The current shuck and jive campaign coming out of D.C. these days is being delivered with a southern accent. But, not eveyone who SPEAKS with an accent, THINKS with an accent. And it is WAY past time to come and engage those people in a VERY lengthy discussion. One that we can sleep on, and engage again in the morning. I have never once believed the republicans outnumber democrats down here. ONLY at the polls is this a republican stronghold, and if you believe the numbers from Florida can be skewed it's not a hard leap to see the truth about the south.

The truth is, you have abandoned us, and we need you now more than ever. We have the numbers, and the courage, and the will. But, we can not go anywhere without leaders who are willing to risk just as much as we are.

When a hero does come forth I do not know if he will be northern, or southern, black, white, red nor blue. I do NOT know if that hero that leads us to rally down here will even survive the experience. What I do know is this, WHOEVER that hero is, when they rise from the ashes of the old south, their names will live forever in the halls of heroes among men.

When that hero does come, many, including me, will give all we have to protect them. But we can not protect what we can not reach.

When the rallies that electrify the blue states are over and the choir goes home, there will STILL be a quiet sense of desperation in the deep south. As a region we are the poorest and most illiterate, even now. You could get it all back, and win the very heart and mind of the country.

But you can not take what you refuse to touch.

Christy Cole